Tarnish & Gold...

5.05.2010 | |

YEP.  It's art season again.  Well, what does that mean really?  I'll tell you...it means that there are reasons to make art smack dab in the middle of what we Minnesotans call summer.  Which, summer, to be defined...is any of the months between March and October when it's not freezing or snowing.  So...as a resident of this great state, I try to make the most of these months by being outdoors and active.  This somehow, happens to coincide with being in my dark, dark studio working on art projects.  One opportunity in particular that I think is very exciting is the recently opened Tarnish & Gold Gallery here in N.E.  It's a lovely spot created by 3 lovely ladies.  I was so graciously invited to participate in their first Art-A-Whirl show, this May 14th.  I couldn't be more hyped to be a part of this fun group and what they're doing.  Now if only I could get some windows in my studio cause it's beautiful outside.

Here's a screen shot of my extremely late in the game editing process.  Check out the real deal(s) on the 15th!