Round 2, or 3, or was it 4....

8.21.2007 | |

2007 has been a good year for output. Between the store, and my personal stuff, I've been able to make/do a lot of things. Which is rad. Up soon is a show of drawings at Espresso Royale in Dinkytown. While that's still up, catch a piece or two of mine at Umber° Studios at the Nixon ART MOSH on halloween. Then, again at Umber°, in December look out for a art blitzkrieg from Eric William Carroll, Jessica Womack and myself. Tentatively opening on December 8th...this one should raise a few eyebrows. Here's part of a photo I've been working on for the Art Mosh event. I should be drawing instead, but I'm having a hard time focusing.


typoscura said...

Mr. Barto, yes, you. If you've landed somewhere even briefly with an internet connection, know that I'm thinking of you buddy. I haven't forgotten it's your birthday in a couple either. I hope you're doing ok with all that's going on out there in Charleston. Keep your chin up homeboy...shit's gonna get a lot has to.

p.s. this is you in this picture. Gonna make ya famous baby!

Boobs Pooter said...

who comments on their own posts? weirdo.