Homie down.

6.19.2008 | |

I met Joe, and his younger brother Alden, mother Liz and father Joe many years ago while working at Fobia downtown MPLS. Back then, Joe and Alden were just a couple of skate rats. They were a part of one of the tightest-knit group of kids I'd ever seen. Made me jealous sometimes, seeing what they had in each other. So, so much enthusiasm and lust for life in that whole squad. It's as if they had all got to see some version of their lives before they happened, because the way this entire group of kids, and teens handled themselves (and their whole life) was so pro.

Growing up, moving out, going to school, moving across the country...members of this squad started to disperse early on. You could tell they were all running after a life they swore they'd catch up to sooner or later. Just devouring experiences in their path. Joe was no different here. I only randomly heard of Joe's exploits, and less often saw him in person. Tuesday night was one of those fine exceptions, seeing Joe again at the Triple Rock was a surprise. It had to have been a year+ since our last encounter. And though brief...it was remberable. Just like Joe.

In case you don't know, or haven't heard, Joe was ruthlessly stabbed in the neck on Tuesday night outside the Triple Rock around 2 A.M. He died later that evening after rescue crews had arrived. He'll be cremated later today, and I believe the service(s) will be held sometime Saturday or Sunday. I'll post the time and whereabouts in the comments of this post when I find out more.

rest in peace buddy...there are an innumerable amount of people thinking about you.